I'm Malcolm Tanti!

I'm a Maltese Software Engineer currently working with KPMG, Microsoft Business Solutions.

As a Senior Analyst Programmer at KPMG, Microsoft Business Solutions Malta, I design and develop integration solutions on Microsoft Azure and Mule ESB for our clients. I have over five years of experience in software engineering, working with Java and C# applications, games, and websites. I am passionate about exploring different cloud platforms, such as Google Console and Amazon Web Services, and automating daily life tasks with IoT devices and Home Assistant. I also enjoy learning and seeing history, numismatics, photography, and classic cars. I have a Bachelor's degree in Creative Computing from the University of London, where I won the Prize for Best Project for my dissertation. I also hold two certifications in Linux administration from SUSE and the Linux Professional Institute.

KPMG, Microsoft Business Solutions

Senior Analyst Programmer April 2021 - Present

Analyst Programmer October 2017 - April 2021

Programmer October 2016 - October 2017

My responsibilities at KPMG MBS, include designing a developing integration solutions on Microsoft Azure and Mule ESB for a number of different clients

Services used:

  1. Microsoft Azure:
    1. Azure Logic Apps
    2. Azure Functions (.NET C#)
    3. Azure Service Bus
    4. Azure Storage Services
    5. ARM Templates
  2. Mule ESB:
    1. RAML API design
    2. Object Store
    3. AS2 Communication
    4. Electronic Data Interchange

Ricston Ltd.

Software Engineer Intern February 2016 - October 2016

At Ricston Ltd, my role included Software development with Mule ESB where I was involved in the development of an analytical tool we were building to see what's treding in society and where in the world by gathering social media network data through various API's. To use their API's, I also developed Mule ESB Connectors for various social network media sites inside DevKit. The data gathered through the connectors was passed through a Mule Flow, converting it to the required schema. The Data was then sent through the API we developed and finally indexed into ElasticSearch.

Methode Electronics Malta Ltd.

Web and Software Developer Intern June 2014 - January 2016

My role in the company was to develop various website's using HTML and CSS which served as Intranet site for the company. I also developed various applications in Java for the company such as the evacuation system for the company which allows the safety and security department to monitor which employees are inside the company at that given moment in case of an emergency.

Malta Communications Authority

IT Trainer May 2015 - August 2015

My role with the Malta Communications Authority was as an IT Trainer in the ".comm Lehen Digitali" Programme, where I taught the elderly how to use android tablets and also how to use various applications which could facilitate their daily tasks. These applications included Facebook, Skype, YouTube and E-mail.

Focal Maritime Services

IT, Logistics and Administration January 2014 - June 2014

After leaving DAM (which formed part of the same group of companies) and starting work at Focal Maritime Services, I kept the same responsibilities in the company which included IT, Logistics and administration.

Documents Archive Management

IT, Logistics and Administration June 2013 - January 2014

My responsibilities in the company included IT, Logistics and administration. At DAM Limited I carried out daily tasks which included retrieval and organising documents for our clients by using the O'Neill Database Management System. Documents Archive Management formed part of Focal Maritime Services group of companies while I worked there.

University of London

B.Sc Creative Computing, First Class Honours 2013 - 2018

I have completed and received my Degree in Creative Computing with Goldsmiths University of London in August 2018. Apart from this I have also been awarded the University of London Prize for Best Project in the Academic year of 2017-2018. More details can be seen here.

University of London

Diploma Creative Computing, Merit 2013 - 2014

I have completed and received my Diploma in Creative Computing in August 2014 and I have continued to read for a degree, also in Creative Computing.

Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary

2011 - 2013

At Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School I studied Studied Marketing at A Level Standard. I also studied Computer Studies, English, Maths and System of Knowledge at Intermediate Level.


Mule ESB








Junior Programmer, KPMG MBS

I worked with Malcolm on an Azure integration project. Malcolm was onboarded at a challenging stage in the project with the task to lead and work with new technologies. With his experience and technical knowledge he was able to get up to speed quickly and learn the tech stack in a short period of time. He showed great leadership skills with the team and offered his help whenever required. With the client, he always took an extra step to understand the technical requirements and ensured that there is a common understanding on the desired outcome. Overall, Malcolm is a great team player with great technical abilities who can grow at any firm. Looking forward to work with him again in the near future.

LPIC Lecturer

I lectured Mr Malcolm Tanti for the LPIC 1 Certification Course at the Institute of Computer Education, Malta. Based on Mr. Tanti's grades, attendance and class participation, I would rate his academic performance in my class as superior one. The type of questions that Mr. Tanti asked were very relevant to the subject being taught and showed that he went through the material thoroughly at home and that he researched the subject well. He was very enthusiastic about the course and keen to gain new knowledge on the subject. Mr. Tanti got his LPIC certification, which consists of two exams in November 2014. To conclude, I would highly recommend Mr. Malcolm Tanti. If his performance in my class is an indication of how he would perform in his duties, I feel that Mr. Tanti would be a good asset for your company.

Godwin Xerri, Managing Director, Focal Maritime Services Ltd.

This is to confirm that Mr Malcolm Tanti holding ID Card Number - 314195M was engaged with our company for a period of one and a half years. During this period, Mr Tanti was assigned a number of responsibilities including IT, logistics and administration. In every activity on which he was involved Malcolm showed a keen disposition to learn and own the work scope assigned. He is capable to work and deliver good results even under pressure and above all he proved to be a team player.

I would recommend Malcolm for responsibilities which require IT solutions, diligence and delivery on time.

David Parnis, HR Manager, Methode Electronics Malta

Methode Electronics Malta Ltd. Mriehel,Malta, a subsidiary of Methode Electronics Inc.Chicago, USA, is marketing, developing and manufacturing electric components for the automotive industry.

Mr. Tanti was employed with Methode Electronics Malta Ltd. between June 2014 and January 2016 as a Software Development Student within the IT & S Department. During this period, he was responsible for developing an evacuation system as well as a website to be used internally. Mr. Tanti has concluded his tasks satisfying our expectations..

We would like to thank Mr. Tanti for his contribution and to express our best wishes for his future career.